Daily log

 R .PREETHI    INTERN   ATTENDENCE FROM    25 -05-20 to 8-06-20

Medical leave-0
Causal leave -0

23- 5-20 :  Case discussion  on Acute para paresis symmetrical bilateral 
                  Lower limbs weakness with sensory deficit and case related queries.
24:5-20 : Rotational sunday, studied about heart failure .

25-5-20 : case discussion on atypical presentation of progressive Right hemiparesis 
                With ataxia and UMN , and queries , facial palsy types.

26-5-20 : studied about DKA .

27-5-20 : Went with patient for ophthalmology examination and radiology for CT scan.

28-5-20:   Amc work and went for typing discharge summary.

29-5-20 : OPD ; ECG of MI patient discussion.

30-5-20: Amc work, perfomed CNS examination.

31-5-20: studied about Renal failure .

1-6-20: Case discussion on peripheral neuropathy , case related queries
            and recording the session .

2-6-20: Studied about peripheral neuropathy and GBS.

3-6-20: Learned topic on myeloneuropathy secondary to vertebral 
              metastasis and recording the session.

4-6-20 : learned topic  on how quadriparesis occur secondary to hypokalaemia

5-6-20: OPD  , cases :GBS, Diabetes Mellitus ,Hypertension

6-6-20:  Learned topic about CKD with HTN. And case related queries 

7-6-20: Studied about hypokalaemia., went for2decho.

8-6-20: psychiatry posting case Paranoid schizophrenia and discussion.

9-6-20 : studied about schizophrenia.

10-6-20: case- acute and transient psychotic disorders and discussion.
11-6-20:  bipolar disorder case  and studied about it.

12-6-20: OPD  , discussion about AKI

13-6-20: substance abuse case, studied about it

14-6-20: studied about anxiety disorder.
15-6-20: studied about benzodiazepines, antipsychotics.

 16-6-20: alcohol withdrawal syndrome and studied about it and types of substance abuse.

17-6-20: nephrology duty , assisted in central line and studied about upper limb thrombosis causes and treatment.

18-6-20: nephrology duty, studied about anti -hypertensive drugs and cardio-renal failure .

19-6-20: OPD cases, studied about pancreatitis and did a pleural tap .

20 -6-20 : psychiatry opd , discussion on mania .

21-6-20: studied types of murmurs.

22-6-20: Involved in case discussion and sensory supply of scalp.


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